March 2, 2023 | By RGR Marketing Blog

Will Your Clients' Residential Solar Panels Have Consistent Performance?

Buy Solar LeadsSolar energy can sometimes be a hard concept for some homeowners to fully grasp because it is so far removed from what they are used to. This is especially the case in the more northern parts of the country where the cloudy and short days of winter can lead some homeowners into thinking that solar won’t be as reliable a source of energy as it might be in cities with warmer, sunnier climates.

While there can be some drop off in energy production to be expected in the winter, this by no means suggests that solar panels won’t produce enough energy for a home to meet its usual demand. So, if you have prospects who are worried about investing in solar because of this misconception, then here are some things that you can discuss with them to help get them back on track.

Solar’s Winter Energy Production

In most parts of the country, solar panels perform at their highest efficiency during the summer months of July and August. But during December and January, those same panels can produce anywhere between 40% and 60% less energy than they did during the dog days of summer.

3 Factors That Effect Solar Panel Performance in Winter

There are three reasons why solar panels produce less energy in the winter, and these include:

Shorter days – The amount of sunlight that solar panels are exposed to can be significantly reduced in the winter simply because the days are shorter. So, less energy input means less energy output.

Angle of the sun – Not only are the days shorter in the winter, but the angle of the sun also changes during this time of year. During the winter months, the sun sits much lower in the sky than it does in the summer, resulting in the solar panels being unable to fully absorb all the sun’s rays since they are not being hit directly on.

Weather conditions – Winter weather can also play a role in solar’s diminished energy output during this time of year. Winter typically brings with it plenty of cloud cover and stormy days. And in parts of the country where snowfall is significant, a blanket of snow over the panels can prevent them from operating at peak performance. That said, it they are covered by a thin covering of snow, then most panels will still be able to absorb some of the sun’s rays and output a small amount of energy.

The Truth About Solar and Cloudy Days

While winter’s cloudy days can cause a reduction in solar energy production, it is a mistake to say that solar systems can’t work when it’s cloudy. Solar panels still produce energy even on days that are cloudy, up to as much as 25% of their standard energy production.

If your prospect lives in an area where net-metering is allowed, then this can be a valuable asset during the winter months. One way to help your clients take advantage of net-metering is to advise them to utilize their utility’s “Anniversary Date Change” process. This will help make sure that they are optimizing the use of their net-metered energy credits over the course of the year, so their energy bills won’t rise dramatically in the winter.

How Changing the Anniversary Date Helps Solar Customers in Winter

Your client’s anniversary date is the date that their system received approval to operate from their local electric utility company and it is this date that the utility will pay them for any excess power generation over the course of the year. For clients who have their systems activated outside of March or April, then changing their anniversary date can help them use their net-metering credits more effectively.

Most utility companies will allow a one-time change to a homeowner’s anniversary date. If your client’s solar system produces excess energy during the summer months, then changing their anniversary date to the end of March will allow them to be able to carry those credits into the fall and winter months to help offset their energy bills when their solar system is producing less energy.

Connect With Higher Quality Solar Leads and Enjoy More Sales

When it comes to improving your sales conversions, you not only need to provide your prospects with greater products and services than your competition, but you also need to ensure that the leads you are nurturing are high quality leads. At RGR Marketing, we specialize in connecting our solar installation partners with higher quality solar leads that have verified and scrubbed to remove any duplicates, incomplete profiles, or invalid data.

RGR Marketing has 20-plus years of experience providing exclusive leads to solar professionals, so our lead gen experts understand the industry and what you’re looking for in a qualified lead. Partner with us today to receive exclusive solar leads that can help connect with prospects who are close to making their solar buying decision.

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