June 6, 2017 | By RGR Marketing Blog

Are You Closing Enough Solar Leads? Time to Listen to Your Clients

You know why you’re in the solar industry, installing systems for clients who truly see the payoff in more ways than one. After all, solar energy is the wave of the future: a clean, renewable source of energy that can reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and benefit the environment in the process.

But people are slow to change, and your enthusiasm may not communicate to your potential customers unless you can connect to them and what they really want. If solar is the way of the future, then why aren’t more clients signing on the proverbial dotted line? Here, we examine what your potential clients really want, in order to help you close more solar deals.

What Solar Clients Want

Consumer advocacy site BestCompany.com may have (at least a part of) the answer. To find it, they combed through thousands of reviews of solar companies to see what words tended to repeat most often.

The most common words were related to price: words like cost, fee, or rate. This seems to indicate that a primary interest of your potential customers is saving money. In fact, a DEFG and Enovation Partners customer survey found that “cheaper electricity/lower bill” was the number one reason for people to switch to solar (44% of respondents). The next most common words were related to customer service, with repetition of words like “service,” “care,” and “honest.” This suggests that quality customer service is a high priority among potential solar customers. The DEFG/Enovation Partners survey found that 24% believed that they would require significantly different customer service with solar and that they felt significant support would be required at every stage.

There were also many words related to valuing the community, including words like home, friend, honest, love, everyone, clean, and future. This may speak to the value people place on the benefit of solar energy to the community and the world at large. The customer survey found that the second most popular reason for switching to solar was “cleaner and more environmentally-friendly electricity” (33%).

Closing Your New Solar Clients

So, what does this mean for you as a provider of solar energy solutions? In general, it means that when pitching your products, you first want to focus on how much money the potential solar power user may save.

Since installing solar panels may involve a considerable outlay of money, you may want to emphasize how quickly a solar energy system can pay for itself. If you offer a metered, grid-tied system where a homeowner can actually feed power to the grid and build power credit, potentially reducing their electricity bill to zero, you definitely want to emphasize this.

Other Selling Points for Solar to Include Up Front

In many cases, the immense potential savings may close the client immediately. If not, however, you want to drive home what a great thing your potential solar client will be doing for the environment.

Solar energy is one of the most eco-friendly renovations you can make to your home, and everyone in the community can see your solar panels and know that you care about the environment. If your client has any sense of community or environmental concerns, you can make a very compelling case for solar as a clean energy solution.

Finally, you will want to emphasize the level of customer service you will provide. People are used to not thinking about their energy bill at all. They turn on the light switch and the electricity is there. It’s important to ensure your new clients that you will be there to walk them through the entire process and be available for support whenever they need it.

Studies have shown that many people are very receptive to switching to solar power once the option has been presented to them. You now have several tools in your arsenal for closing the deal on solar power sales to homeowners.

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