October 19, 2017 | By RGR Marketing Blog

5 Ways Your Business Can Benefit From Account-Based Marketing

In traditional B2B marketing, a company will often design its marketing campaigns to be generic so as to improve its odds of attracting as many businesses in the targeted market as possible. But, casting such a wide net means that you’re not focusing on a more clearly defined target – and more times than not, this ends up producing watered-down results.

On the other hand, by using a more personalized marketing technique like account-based marketing (ABM), you will be concentrating your efforts and your message to those businesses that accurately fit your target audience’s demographics. ABM is a marketing option that resonates because it is based on the unique attributes and needs of individual accounts.

Not sure if account-based marketing can help you improve your marketing results? Here are five different ways ABM can benefit your business.

ABM Is Personalized Marketing

Account-based marketing incorporates personalized communication efforts to the specific accounts of your target audiences. Because the marketing is customized specifically for them, and according to their stage in the buyer journey, your customers will be more likely to engage positively with your content.

This is the first step that needs to be completed on your way to closing any sale.

ABM Reduces Wasted Resources

Because account-based marketing is so highly targeted, the marketing focus is extremely narrowed. This helps reduce waste because every resource – including time, manpower, and money – is being used to its highest efficiency.

ABM Allows for Easier Campaign Tracking and Measuring

Marketing campaigns need to be analyzed constantly to make sure they are performing as well as possible. When you’re dealing with a broad casted campaign, the amount of data flowing in can be overwhelming. Worse yet, a lot of the information may not even prove meaningful, but it still has to be evaluated at a cost of time and money.

Whether your campaign includes email, ads, events, or web-based marketing, it is much easier to track and measure the effectiveness of an ABM campaign because you will be analyzing a more concentrated set of targeted accounts, not an overwhelming set of metrics.

ABM Campaigns Align Seamlessly With Sales

In the best marketing examples, there is regularly an easy alignment between the campaign and sales, and this is where ABM is truly effective because ABM campaigns work in a very similar way.

The mind of an ABM marketer thinks in terms of accounts and how best to target them, much in the same way as sales professionals strive to generate revenue from customers. As a result, the sales funnel can be significantly shorter with an account-based marketing campaign.

ABM Delivers Greater ROIs

In the 2014 ITSMA Account-Based Marketing Survey, it was discovered that “ABM delivers the highest Return on Investment of any B2B marketing strategy or tactic.” And, this fact makes complete sense when you take the entire process into consideration. With account-based marketing, your campaigns will cost less, waste less, and deliver higher sales conversions because you’ll be targeting specific company accounts.

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